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Paintings with a strong nature aesthetic, featuring foraged earth pigments and handmade paint. Original art by Madison Woods.

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Dinner Time | Broad-winged Hawk Painting #2


A Broad-winged hawk in old world colors, enjoying a meal on an earthy abstract background. 12 x 12″ on canvas, Ozark pigments in oils.

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Details about the Original Work

Title: Dinner Time
Size: 12 x 12″
Media: handmade oils, Ozark foraged pigments + titanium
Substrate: canvas
Pigment source: soot, sandstone, magnetite, thyme lake, and titanium

Reference by Tammy Block. Tammy will earn a 10% commission on the sale of this original painting, so your purchase helps to support two artists at the same time.

See the progress from start to finish

To see all of the stages in between beginning and end, notes I’ve observed during progress, etc. bookmark this page at my main website: https://www.wildozark.com/broad-wing 2

Click to enlarge


Dinner Time, a broad-wing hawk in Ozark pigments by Madison Woods.

Additional information


ORIGINAL, 12 x 12 print, 8 x 10 print, 5 x 7 print, 5 x 7 notecard