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Paintings with a strong nature aesthetic, featuring foraged earth pigments and handmade paint. Original art by Madison Woods.

Free shipping to US addresses unless otherwise specified. Sorry, we don’t ship internationally at this time.

A 1lb Box of Rocks


This listing is for a 1 lb box of rocks, randomly selected. All of them will be pigment rocks and the colors will vary. They will not necessarily be large or look the same as pictured. But they’ll all be rocks that contain good colors and I’ll try to gather a variety of different colors.  

6 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: rocks


When you get them, sort the rocks so that you’ll have all of the same shades in one batch, or make paint from each individually. No two are ever the same, so the colors you’ll get will vary somewhat from each other, even if the rocks appear to be the same color.

USPS ground shipping to domestic addresses is free.