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Paintings with a strong nature aesthetic, featuring foraged earth pigments and handmade paint. Original art by Madison Woods.

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A Study of Felkins Creek in Summer


The idea that I can paint rocks with paint made from rocks still feels pretty awesome to me. This is Felkins creek, a tributary that feeds Kings River not too far from where it begins. I probably gathered some of the rocks that went into this at this very spot.



An earthy palette of paints made from rocks went into this landscape painting. Felkins Creek in Summer is one of my favorite spots to search for rocks. I have many photographs of this creek at a few different points. Our little Wild Ozark creek feeds into Felkins, which then converges with Kings River a few miles downstream from this point.

Details about the Original Work

Title: A Study of Felkins Creek in Summer
Size: 10 x 10″
Media: handmade oils
Substrate: wood cradle board
Pigment source: soot, sandstone, magnetite, indigo, thyme lake, and titanium

Reference photo is mine.

A favorite spot, a favorite light

This location is along our dirt road, a couple of miles from our house. Between the clouds on early mornings, the light shines more brightly on the distant curving hills, and lands to light up the top of the rocks in the foreground. These rocky shores supply some of the rocks I use to make the paints. It was a challenging project to paint rocks using paint made from rocks! This is a study for a larger painting I’ll do later this year.

Click here to see the progression from start to finish.