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Paintings with a strong nature aesthetic, featuring foraged earth pigments and handmade paint. Original art by Madison Woods.

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Ozark Shed, Red Sunset

Original price was: $3,450.00.Current price is: $2,760.00.

This old Ozark shed is one of my most photographed subjects. Every sunset through every season offers a gorgeous scene. The red autumn sunsets are my favorite!

SKU: X413273-main
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This is still in the very early stages and not yet finished.

Works on the easel are discounted by 20%. It’ll ship to US addresses at no extra charge when it’s ready to ship. This one will take me quite a while to finish, as I’m painting in thin layers for a smooth finish at the end. Once it’s ready to ship, if it hasn’t been purchased, the discount will go away.

Details about the Original Work

Title: Ozark Shed, Red Sunset
Size: 36x 24″
Media: handmade oils
Substrate: gesso board
Pigment source: Ozark foraged pigments: soot, sandstone, magnetite, thyme lake. Outsourced lapis and titanium

You can see the progress page for this painting at my blog: https://www.wildozark.com/old-shed-with-red-sunset/

Here’s where it stands as of today 3/9/2025. I’m working on the trees in the middle ground now.

Current progress on the old shed painting as of 2025 Mar 9.







Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Original, 5 x 7 print, 8 x 10 print, 12 x 16 print, 16 x 20 print, 5 x 7 gift card

